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Fridays Rock at MMA

There's plenty to love about Fridays at Mid-Metro Academy. Yes, it's convenient to take classes just one day a week. But let's face it: It's hard to cram everything your student SHOULD take and WANTS to take into a four-period day. That's why many of our families start AND end their week with MMA. If you're only signed up for Monday classes for 2024-2025, consider these reasons to come on Fridays, too.

10: Performers Shine on Fridays

Students who enjoy drama and performing get their chance to shine in Intro to Acting with Ethan Hickle (F3) and Memory & Magic with Bob Miller (F4 Spring).

9: Study Skills Grow on Fridays

Help your students succeed in other classes and in college by enrolling them in Study Skills with Rebecca Hope (F3 Fall), ACT Prep: English/Reading (F2 Fall) and/or Memory & Magic with Bob Miller (F4 Spring). 

8: Career Skills Develop on Fridays

Academics are important, of course, but it's never too early for teens to gain skills that will help them excel in the workplace. Consider these courses:

  • Photography with Gary Rieks (F1 Fall)
  • Intro to Video Production with Andrew Thoreen (F1 Spring)
  • Student Senate with Dave Racer (F1 Spring)
  • Graphic Design with Carissa Velasquez (F2)
  • Communications with Myndi Lawrence (F2)
  • Music Production with Andrew Thoreen (F3 Spring)
  • Memory & Magic with Bob Miller (F4 Spring) 

7: Feet Move and Bodies Swing on Fridays

Swing Dancing with Joey Ray (F4 Fall or F4 Spring) will bring motion and joy into your life while teaching social skills you can use for the rest of your life.

6: Creativity Blossoms on Fridays

Many of our Friday classes help students (and adults) express themselves creatively. Choose from:

  • Creative Filmmaking with Josh Cisewski (F1 Fall)
  • Photography with Gary Rieks (F1 Fall)
  • Private Music Lessons with Andrew Thoreen (F4)
  • Origami & You with Kathleen Sheridan (F2 Fall)
  • Math with Origami with Kathleen Sheridan (F2 Spring)
  • Intro to Graphic Design with Carissa Velasquez (F2)
  • Intro to Songwriting with Andrew Thoreen (F3 Fall)
  • Creative Writing Workshop with Rebecca Hope (F3 Spring)
  • Intro to Acting with Ethan Hickle (F3)
  • Art: Drawing Realistic Faces with Suzann Beck (F4 Fall)
  • Art: Portraits in Pastel Pencil with Suzann Beck (F4 Spring)

5: Elementary Students Learn and Grow on Fridays

We have a terrific line-up for fifth and sixth graders on Fridays. They can take:

  • Writing with Confidence Level Half with Rebecca Hope (F1) 
  • Origami & You with Kathleen Sheridan (F2 Fall)
  • Math with Origami with Kathleen Sheridan (F2 Spring)
  • Minnesota Geo with Kay Kelly (F2)
  • Math Games with Dawna Reandeau (F3 Fall)
  • World Cultures and Languages with Dawna Reandeau (F3 Spring)
  • Intro to Songwriting with Andrew Thoreen (F3 Fall)
  • Music Production with Andrew Thoreen (F3 Spring)
  • Intro to Acting with Ethan Hickle (F3)
  • Memory & Magic with Bob Miller (F4 Spring)
  • Art: Drawing Realistic Faces with Suzann Beck (F4 Fall)
  • Art: Portraits in Pastel Pencil with Suzann Beck (F4 Spring)
  • Private Music Lessons with Andrew Thoreen (F4)

4: High Schoolers Score on Fridays

More than younger students, high school students need two days of classes to cover all the bases they need to graduate and prepare for adult life. These are the classes we believe every student should take at some point during their four years of high school:

  • American Government: For Real! with Dave Racer (F1 Fall)
  • Student Senate with Dave Racer (F1 Spring)
  • Communications with Myndi Lawrence (F2)
  • ACT Prep: English/Reading with Rebecca Hope (F2)
  • Personal Finance with Vicky Sandberg (F3 Fall)
  • Economics with Vicky Sandberg (F3 Spring)
  • Health & Nutrition with Kay Kelly (F3 Spring)

In addition, we highly recommend these classes for students in grades 9 - 12:

  • Contemporary Issues with Dave Racer (F2 Fall)
  • We the People: U.S. Constitution with Dave Racer (F2 Fall)
  • Step by Step to Essay Success with Rebecca Hope (F2 Spring)

3: Adults Join the Fun on Fridays

Parents can take some classes with their students on Fridays. What a great way to end the week with a bonding experience. Or, parents can take one of these classes while their student takes a different course. These classes are open to adults

  • Origami & You with Kathleen Sheridan (F2 Fall)
  • Art: Drawing Realistic Faces with Suzann Beck (F4 Fall)
  • Art: Portraits in Pastel Pencil with Suzann Beck (F4 Spring)
  • Swing Dancing with Joey Ray (F4 Fall or F4 Spring)

2. Stress Fades on Fridays

As the school week comes to a close, it's great to get out of the house and head to MMA to take some low-anxiety classes, have fun with friends, and add beauty, joy, and delight to your life.

1. We Celebrate on Fridays

You'll pick up on the less formal atmosphere for most of our classes on Fridays. Everyone knows the weekend lies ahead and the pressure's off. Yes, we have some challenging academic classes on Fridays for high schoolers, but with our supportive teachers and environment, they won't seem as hard. And students (and parents) can wrap up the day with Swing Dancing or Suzann Beck's art classes. We encourage students to stay for the last period in the MMA Zone, a supervised social time with their MMA friends. That's a great way to celebrate a great week at MMA.

We'd love for you and your students to join us on Fridays this year. Check out all the great courses and register today!